Message from the Sikyong

For millions of people throughout the world, Tibet evokes rhapsodic images of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, landscapes surrounded by snow peaked mountains, cheerful nomads, and chanting monks.

The situation on the ground in today’s Tibet, however points to a harsher reality: a land occupied by China for over 50 years, countless number of lost lives, a culture in danger of disappearing. A level of repression reaching such intensity that 130 Tibetans to date have set themselves ablaze as a political form of protest since 2009.

Yet, despite incredible challenges concomitant with a rising China, Tibetans remains undeterred in their determination to find a peaceful resolution through dialogue and “genuine autonomy” with the People’s Republic of China. Referred to as the “Middle Way”, this approach was originally envisioned by His Holiness the Dalai Lama with overwhelming support from the Tibetan people. While he is globally known for his constant efforts for universal peace based on our shared humanity, the Middle Way Approach (Umaylam in Tibetan) is part of his legacy to the world for peaceful conflict resolution — how to look at a conflict through different principles such as dialogue, non-violence and a win-win proposition. The Tibetan situation illustrates how this approach is applied in a real life conflict situation. Its success bears global implications in an age where there is violence and growing popular discourse on the importance of peaceful conflict resolution. What happens to peace if longstanding non-violent political movements fail? The case of Tibet challenges the world to garner the courage to live by those principles when faced with an increasingly assertive China.

In the last few years, we have witnessed and are encouraged by growing awareness and support for the Middle Way Approach. To reinforce this development, we have created this dedicated web site with new succinct documents and video (Briefing Note, Timeline, FAQ), to begin with, based on existing materials on the Middle Way Approach. Help us amplify our message of peace by sharing these documents within your network.

The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is deeply committed to the Middle Way Approach and will continue to build upon the foundation laid by previous administrations so that freedom may soon be restored in Tibet.

Dr. Lobsang Sangay
Central Tibetan Administration

3 May 2014

Middle Way Policy and All Recent Related Documents

Additional CTA Documents

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MWA Related Documents
Note on the Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People
Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People
Tibet’s Past, Present and Future — What is the way Forward?

Articles about the Middle Way Approach

CTA President Reaffirms Kashag’s Commitment to the Middle Way Approach
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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Demand for Genuine Autonomy is Legitimate: Former Indian Foreign Secretary
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Chair of EU Human Rights Subcommittee Calls for Resumption of Sino-Tibetan Dialogue
MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Human Rights of European Parliament. BRUSSELS: Member of European Parliament Pier Antonio Panzeri also the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, expressed concerns over the grave human rights situation in Tibet and called on the Chinese government for the resumption of the Sino-Tibetan dialogue. Pander’s statement came to light In a press…
President of Tibet in New Zealand to drum up support for ‘Middle Way’ with China
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I am willing to be messenger of His Holiness’ Middle Way Approach: Chinese Professor
Professor Ming Xia speaking at the commemoration of the 58th anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising on 10 March 2017, New York. New York: At the commemoration of the 58th Tibetan National Uprising Day in New York, Dr Ming Xia, Professor at New York University and an endearing friend of the Tibetan people expressed his support for the Middle Way Approach, advocated by His Holiness the Dalai…
The University of Westminster hosted a talk by Dhardon on the topic – ‘Resolving the Tibet Question: The Strategic Relevance and Importance of the Middle Way Approach.’
Dhardon Sharling, Secretary of Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) with All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet Chair Tim Loughton MP, Marion Fellows MP and Chonphel Tsering, Representative, Office of Tibet, London. London: The Office of Tibet London organised a weeklong official visit of Dhardon Sharling, Secretary of Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) from February 4-12, 2017 to United Kingdom. The weeklong engagements…