Chinese liaison officer, Kunga Tashi with Indian students at University of Buffalo, 31 March 2018. Photo/OOT DC
WASHINGTON DC: Kunga Tashi, the Chinese liaison officer, Office of Tibet, Washington, DC discussed CTA’s Middle Way Approach and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s principal commitments with students and faculty of University of Rochester on 31 March.
Attendees of the event were thoroughly engaged and asked questions regarding the Tibetan Issue.
Kunga Tashi, in his talk, said that the Tibetan issue involves both the Chinese and Tibetan communities and that it is vital to bridge the gap between the two. He explained the key to bringing the two communities together are His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s three guiding commitments in life — promoting human values, achieving religious harmony, and preserving Tibetan cultural integrity.
He elaborated on the principal commitments of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and most importantly, his approach to the resolution of Tibet issue. His Holiness the Dalai Lama wants Tibet to remain part of China, but only if it is guaranteed meaningful autonomy which is granted in the Chinese constitution, he said.
He told the Chinese students that genuine autonomy for Tibetans must protect the rights and freedom of Tibetan people to preserve and promote their language, culture, religion, and thought.
As far as the solution of the Tibetan issue is concerned, he believes that the responsibility rests on the shoulders of the youth, as the future Republic of China belongs to the young Chinese and not the political leaders. It is in their power to mobilize the movement and take the “middle way.”
According to reports from the University, students in attendance were excited to put forth their questions and get answers from the representative of the Dalai Lama.
Responding to a question regarding the practicality of the peaceful approach, Kunga Tashi said, “Violence in the past is no indication of violence in the future and that dialogue and cooperation are the keys to a successful and peaceful resolution”.
“Since the Tibetan issue emphasises mainly on the idea of nonviolence and human-to-human dialogue, I thought it was the perfect example to use to promote the idea of dialogue to the school community. As scholars, we all have the responsibility to academically engage the world issue with the goal of promoting peace and non-violence,” Kim was quoted as saying.
The talk was organised by Se Hoon Kim, a student at Warner School.
Earlier in the morning of 31 March, Chinese Liaison Officer, Kunga Tashi met with a group of Indian students at University of Buffalo. He also had a brief interaction with them on India-Tibet relations and its history of shared cultural heritage from thousands of years. He also brought to their notice, the yearlong Thank you India campaign being launched by the Central Tibetan Administration to honour India’s unparalleled support.