Dialogue with China resumes with the first of what will become nine “rounds of talks” based on the Middle Way Approach. The 1st round of talks between the envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the representatives of the Chinese government takes place in September 2002 in Beijing. This is followed by the 2nd round in May-June 2003 inBeijing; 3rd round in September 2004 in Beijing; 4th round in June-July 2005 in Bern, Switzerland; 5th round in February 2006 in Guilin city in China; 6th round in June-July 2007 in Shanghai and Nanjing; an informal meeting in May 2008 in Shenzhen; 7th round in June-July2008 in Beijing; 8th round in October-November 2008 in Beijing and 9th round of talks in January-February 2010 in Hunan province and Beijing.